Firesprite Pomeranians
Canadian Kennel Club Registered in 2006
Permanent Registered 2019

Last updated December 6 2024
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Our Boys
Firesprite Rockadoodle ROM "Rooster" CHIC
I absolutely adore this lovely red boy. Rooster goes back to many of my favorite dogs and is a delightful mix of his Parents Can Am GCH Sweetwater and Stagecoach's Oh Captain My Captain and My Lovely "Stella" Ch. Firesprite's Golden Girl.
Rooster was a Baby Puppy Group winner at the only show he has been to, Covid and my late husbands terminal cancer diagnosis prevented us from getting him out for his title.
Never the less he remains an integral part of my breeding program and has six Champion offspring in Canada giving him his Canadian Register Of Merit.

OFA tested Heart (normal)
Patellas (normal)
CERF Eyes Normal
Embark perfect <3
CHIC 151540
Rooster has only been used at stud a select few times but has obtained his Register of Merit in Canada with 6 Champion offspring. Rooster is sire to the following Champions
BPIG Ch. Crystalton Tribble Star Chaser "Sid"
...Sid is a Group Placer
Ch. Crystalton Tribble Little Nugget "Nugget"
... Nugget is a group placer
Ch. Crystalton Tribble Star Dust "Dusty"
.....Dusty is a group placer
Ch. Firesprite You're So Vain "Carly" Carly was a BOB winner over specials
BPIG Ch. Firesprite What's The Buzz "Hummer" Best of Breed winner over Specials as a Jr puppy
Ch. Firesprite Space Invader "Taito"
Rooster is available at stud to select females from likeminded breeders.
We have been very successful in collecting and shipping semen from Rooster. This could be a viable option for those who do not wish to put their bitch through the stress of shipping.
You will need to have accurate progesterone testing.
This is also very helpful for cross border breedings.
Can Am GCh Cristyhills Dark Side Of The Moon "Clooney"​
I can't thank my good friend Gerda from Cristyhill in BC for sending me this boy for a short visit. While he is here he has seen my vets and had all his health testing for heart, eyes, patellas as well as hips and elbows. Knees are rock solid, heart and eyes are perfect and elbows normal and hips are good. He has his CHIC
I have one litter of puppies from Clooney, it is likely I will have a BLACK male available as a companion, non breeding.

BBIG Ch. Firesprite's Moon Rock ... Hooter CHIC
I could not have been more excited when this beautifully marked baby was born. He is everything I could hope for in a dog. Super outgoing, strong movement, lovely legs all wrapped up in a beautifully marked black and tan coat. Hooter goes back to many of my foundation dogs and will be a valuable part of my program.
Sired by my lovely Russian Import Bond, who is now owned by his caregiver Lisa out of my totally adorable Zevah.
Hooters first day in the ring was as a baby in a fun match where her beat out mature toy dogs as well as other puppies to win the group. He also picked up a baby group win his first weekend out. He finished his Championship in style winning a group 3 in a very heavy toy group before his 11 m birthday. .
Hooter lives with his other mother Cathy and the two of them may make an occasional appearance at a show here and there.
Hooter is sire to Ch. Firesprite Music Man "Gilbert" who finished in just 2 weekends with 3 Best Of Breed Wins and went on to take a number of group placements.
CERF eyes Normal
Patellas Normal no Luxation
Heart Normal

Finishing in style at almost 11m with a group 3

Sire is Bond

Am. Ch Firesprite Executive Decisions "Jaffa" CHIC
Jaffa belongs to my good friend Tracy and I have wanted a lovely puppy back from him for quite some time, however our timing was just never right so Tracy was wonderful enough to let me take him back to Canada for a little while.
Jaffa finished his US title with ease and has been living his best life and making a few nice puppies along the way. One particular boy won a Pomeranian Specialty from the classes over champions from the 6-9 m classes.
Jaffa is health tested as well as genetically screened with embark and will stay here at Firesprite at least until early 2025. The photos are him at over 6 years, the day I brought him back from the US, his Champion photo, his son "Beach Boy", other Jaffa kids and Jaffa as a puppy. We have one litter of Jaffa kids right now and are hoping for another one later on when the girls come into season.

Can.GCh. Am. GCh. Firesprite's Down N Dirty ROM
#3 pom in Canada 2016
Fatboy........ number 3 pom in Canada 2016 one of the top sires in the USA 2019
This amazing little guy is bred by me and lived with me until after he obtained his Championship. He is now co -owned by myself and Tofini Poms in Calgary. He is a multi Best Baby in Show Winner, Best Baby In Specialty Show Winner, Best Puppy In Show Winner, Multi puppy group placer and started his show career at Canada's Largest dog show winning Best of Breed over top Specials on his 6 month birthday..
Fatboy lives with his co-owner Fotina
Fatboy is not only an outstanding boy in the ring, winning the group in both Canada and USA, he has proven himself to be an outstanding producer. He is the first pom in Canada to receive his chase-ability title, he is more than a stunning package.
Wait... Fatboy carries the parti gene!!! In August 2020 I had a stunning litter that goes back to Fatboy, imagine my tremendous surprise to have a Parti Marked Puppy where we thought we had a solid color pedigree. This hit my curiosity button and caused a flurry of DNA swabs over many generations to be taken only to discover that Fatboy is a carrier for the S Locus (parti gene) It has been dormant for many generations in his offspring, what a shock to have it appear.
GCH. Firesprite's Make My Motor Run "Flirt"
Ch. Firesprite's Vanity Plates ROM "NV"
Can. Am. Bel. Lat. Ch. Firesprite's King Of Dreams "Sultan"
Ch. Firesprite's Dream Girl "Ava"
Am. Ch. Stagecoach's Firelight Symphony "Solomon"
Am. Ch. Firesprite Executive Decisions "Jaffa"
Am. GCh. Sweetwaters In The Nick Of Time "Nick"
Can Am. Ch. Tofini Petal to the Metal "Petal"
Ch. Tofini Destined For The Screen "Starr"
Ch. Tofini Don't Forget Your Flare "Flare"
OFA Tested Heart Normal
OFA Eyes Normal
OFA Patellas January 2019 0/1 (5 years)